Mega Bunker NY

Our bespoke security bunkers, are designed and engineered to exceed industry standards and will provide you with peace of mind knowing you are protected. We can help design and build your custom, state of the art installation. Contact us for a confidential consultation.

From inception to completion, your dedicated team of specialists will work with you and assist in building your bunker. You are involved in every step of the design. We promise a truly custom experience resulting in a bespoke bunker and residence finished with the ultimate craftsmanship and care from beginning to end.

Once the design process is completed, the bunker and associated home plans, (If purchased as package) are sealed and stamped by a professional Engineer and registered architect. The final design, plans and specifications meet or exceed local code.


Your new bunker comes equipped with a state of the art nuclear, biological & chemical (NBC) air filtration system that maintains the bunker at constant positive pressurization to ensure that you are protected from all the known chemical and biological war agents.

By creating the positive pressure environment inside the bunker, the filtration system makes it impossible for tainted air to enter without passing through the ventilation unit. The system works with 99.9% accuracy and removes particles down to 0.3 microns resulting in the highest possible H14 rating.

0. Slab on' grade; 1. Hydrophobic reinforced concrete; 2. (2) Layers of waterproofing membrane; 3. Rigid foam board insulation; 4. Raised flooring; 5. FR plywood subflooring; 6. Finish floor; 7. Drain

Our structurally hardened concrete bunkers incorporate the unique design concerns associated with blast loading and impact load effects. This process results in enhanced resistance through added mass to keep forces away from the bunker without excessively loading it. We also incorporate security engineering that deters, delays and denies potential perpetrators that defend you and your assests form harms way.